Virtual Personal Training

from $40.00

“Ashley pushes, encourages, and quite honestly, just makes me stronger. Since Covid, I have been doing 30 minute virtual sessions with her. We use the arms of my sofa, my coffee table, a kettle bell, and elastic bands. As I tell Ashley, working with her is the hardest part of my day, but I feel great afterwards.” —A.M.

Learn more about private and semi-private virtual options below.

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There are many apps available that help you to burn calories and break a good sweat, but there is so much more involved in a well-rounded workout. The Grind Before Wine’s private virtual workouts focus on strategic exercise selection, proper form, mobility, and moving safely and efficiently both in your workouts and throughout your day. Personally interact with your trainer throughout your session to not only learn, but also to build, improve, and progress from workout to workout in a way that’s right for you. All virtual training sessions are centered around your time, your goals and the equipment available to you. 

Online training offers a lot of flexibility for those with busy, demanding schedules. Private virtual sessions allow you to conveniently workout in the comfort of your own home without adding any extra commuting time into your day.

30 minute sessions include a short warmup, and a quick and efficient workout.

60 minute sessions include a full warmup, mobility and movement prep work, an extended total body workout, and a full cool-down with deep stretching and extra mobility work.

Semi-private sessions can include between 2-5 participants. Participants can all join virtually from their own individual locations.

Sessions can be done with any equipment that you have in your home or gym as well as with just your own bodyweight if no equipment is available to you.

Save 10% on 8 or more sessions using code TAKE10 at checkout. Sessions expire 30 days from first use.

*2% of every purchase will go directly to The Loveland Foundation, which “provides opportunity and healing to communities of color, and especially to Black women and girls.”