How To Beat Gym-timidation

Trying something new can be intimidating; and it can become even more intimidating when the activity involves properly picking up heavy pieces of metal in front of a bunch of people. If you struggle with “gym-timidation,” keep reading to learn ways to combat it so you can walk into the gym feeling more confident and ready to go!

Learn the lay of the land

Choose any piece of cardio equipment, pop in your headphones, and get moving at a steady pace! Once you’re settled in, start to look around and observe. How is the gym laid out? Where are the free weights? Where is the leg press machine? Etc. Are there any designated  areas or corners you can take a mat to, set up your own space, and be out of the way? Do you see any friendly faces walking around who could help you if you needed anything?

Have a plan

Walking into the gym without knowing what you’re going to do with your time is stressful for anyone, even experienced gym goers! So, it’s best to have a plan. Before you leave for the gym, take some time to write out what you’d like to do either on a notepad or in the notes app on your phone. Then, you’ll be all set to walk into the gym, go right where you need to go, and get to work!

If you have no idea what you can or should be doing in your workouts, that’s what personal trainers are for! Many gyms offer a complimentary first personal training session. Use it to both get to know some exercises and get to know the trainer. If you’re a good match, set up a few more sessions so you can work with them until you feel more comfortable working out on your own. 

If personal training is not in your budget, perhaps a custom workout program is! The Grind Before Wine Custom Programs are written for you, your goals, your ability level, your unique needs, and your schedule. Your custom program will enable you to walk into the gym knowing exactly what to do and how to do it, with the confidence that your needs are being met, your goals are being reached, and your schedule can fit it all in! Click here to learn more. 

Once you’ve got your custom program, you can follow along with the included demonstration videos and practice the exercises at home before executing them at the gym. Practice makes perfect! Which brings me to my last trick…

Show Up

Want to get better at public speaking? Speak in public! Want to learn how to play the piano? Play the piano! Want to run faster! Start running! Want to be able to exercise with confidence in the gym? You guessed it: you have to start to exercise in the gym! I promise, the confidence will come, but you have to show up first. 

Still, I know showing up is the hardest part. Here are some ways to gradually work towards completing your whole workout with confidence at the gym. 

Once you’ve spent a few gym sessions on a cardio machine learning the “lay of the land” as described above, choose one, simple exercise to do near the free weight section, and just do it! Whether it be a squat, a bicep curl, a row, you name it! Choose something you feel confident in your ability to do, and do it. Then grab a sweat towel, dab your forehead, and leave the gym proud that you tried something new! 

Next time, tack on another exercise. Maybe alternate back and forth between squats and bicep curls. Complete 3 sets of each, and voila! Workout complete. Over time, keep tacking on exercises, and before you know it, you’ll be completing your entire programmed workout without worry or stress! 

Do you have other hesitations, obstacles, or questions that I didn’t cover? Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation and we can chat! I have helped countless people find a fitness routine that works for them, and I’d love for you to be next! 


PSA: Coffee Is Not Breakfast


To Whomever Needs to Hear It: Your Body Is Not the Problem